LIMITED LIFETIME that covers any defects in mechanical components (housings, covers, mounts and fasteners) and LEDs. We pride ourselves in providing superior Customer Service.
EASY ON EASY REMOVAL with the built-in handlebar strap mount. The durable handlebar strap mount makes it easy to mount your light.
IMPORTANT to note that Nightrider uses this key feature after assembly and production to prepare for transport. The light is set to Lock Mode at the factory, unlock before use.
The LOCK MODE FEATURE ensures the Swift 500 headlight remains turned off securely while being transported or stored. To activate or deactivate the light, press and hold the power button for 7 seconds.
LOW BATTERY INDICATOR is cleverly designed into the power button. Lit in blue indicates a good battery level remaining. Lit in red indicates that the battery level is below, less than 20% remaining.